At this location there are various resources. One of the more recent resources took place from Oct. 07 to Jan 08. This site contains various resources for collaboration for students and collaboration with teachers as well. I would use this site for my own professional development .

At this location there are different collaborative projects to join, which includes games and projects. One of the projects displays a model from beginning to end of the project with a rubric. Also has displays boards around the island that various people’s thoughts on projects or reflections that cycle through. I would use this site in my classroom to locate some projects that I could be a part of.

This location is the University of Pacific. One of the west renowned universities for collaboration. Could be used to see the type of collaboration being used here and how it could be implemented into a classroom.

At this location this company develops software for team collaboration and customer relationship management. I could use this location to talk to representatives of the company to stay current with their software and brainstorm ideas for how I could use the software in education or teacher development.

This location is has collaboration opportunities for those in the business world. This site is good for those as corporate trainers to collaborate with others or staff development in one organization or several companies under one organization. My avatar is sitting in one of their meeting where the speakers can face the audience and could have visuals on the TV’s in the background.

At this location this company develops software for team collaboration and customer relationship management. I could use this location to talk to representatives of the company to stay current with their software and brainstorm ideas for how I could use the software in education or teacher development.

This location is used for social networking. Go and meet friends. Or discuss various ideas that one may have on technology, education, collaboration, or anything else.

Life 2.0 is another social networking island where there is much discussion collaboration, education, research, in virtual environments. Would be a good location to visit to try and sit in on a conference that may take place here.
Interesting set of sites that you shared with your Second Life tour. Loved the Life 2.0.